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Yoga and Meditation for Happiness

Updated on June 29, 2023

Question in the life

In life, numerous questions arise, and we continuously seek answers to them. We aspire to accomplish something significant, yet we remain uncertain about what that "big thing" truly is. Our ultimate desire is to attain happiness.

Every individual aspires to achieve success, happiness, and a worry-free existence. These concerns may revolve around our careers, jobs, relationships, exams, or everyday challenges. It is rare for anyone to experience genuine happiness while grappling with such problems. Consequently, we strive to overcome them by giving our best efforts. However, even then, we often find ourselves unable to attain our desired outcomes.


How to be happy is the biggest question

I too encounter similar questions and continually seek the answer to one fundamental question: How can I achieve happiness?

Driven by curiosity, I have immersed myself in numerous inspirational and spiritual books, watched countless movies, listened to diverse genres of music, experimented with various cuisines, and explored different destinations. However, despite these endeavors, I often find myself realizing that the answer to my quest still eludes me. The pursuit of happiness appears to be an ongoing journey without a definitive conclusion.

Nonetheless, I have always maintained a steadfast belief that I will ultimately discover the path to true happiness.


Journey to happiness starts

On a beautiful morning, I felt a familiar sense of desperation to find happiness today. My head throbbed with pain, as I had spent the previous night sleepless, consumed by the quest for an answer to my pressing question.

Lost in thought, I stumbled upon a group of young children joyfully playing, shouting, and dancing. They exuded an unmistakable happiness that seemed to hold the key to my inquiry.

Driven by curiosity, I hurriedly approached them, observing their carefree demeanor and instantly felt a wave of relief wash over me. I continued to observe them intently, and as they were preparing to depart, I approached and posed the question, "Are you happy?"

In response, they gazed at me with beaming smiles. I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger at their apparent amusement while I wrestled with such an important matter. Nonetheless, I managed to compose myself and persist with my inquiry. However, they remained silent, offering no verbal response.

I sat down, allowing my mind to wander back to my own childhood, reminiscing about the activities and experiences that once brought me joy. Suddenly, I noticed a smile spreading across my face, prompted not solely by those cherished memories but by something deeper, something beyond their surface significance.

You are Happiness

happiness | Source

Understanding Roots of Happiness with Yoga & Meditation

I still kept on analyzing about my childhood. How I was like when I was a kid? Did I ever worried about all these things like. Whatever I liked I did. Every action was dynamic & enthusiastic.Then how come I become like this now? How did I become so sad? What all things did change?

With my little brain I could not find answers to all these questions. But I found out I am more closer to my answer. Now actually I was eager to get to the answer.

And I remembered words of wisdom from saints & spiritual Gurus. Yoga & Meditation are the techniques that help one to find inner dimensions of life.

I decided to study meditation techniques from some master. Searched a lot on internet also about yoga and meditation classes around. And finally I registered for a course.

Happiness Program & knowing Sudarshan kriya helped a lot to get rid of stress & be stress free quickly.

All these natural techniques are more powerful than tablets & pain killers. These are easy to practice and anyone can practice it.

Realizing Happiness is within Ourselves

As soon as the classes began, I noticed a shift in my mindset. My behavior underwent a transformation, and I gradually became calmer and more peaceful than ever before.

Previously, I was struggling because I found myself consumed by incessant thoughts. My mind was filled with unnecessary possibilities and fears, and this had been going on for many years. However, through yoga and meditation, I learned how to break free from this destructive cycle of thoughts. These practices taught me natural and simple techniques such as breathing exercises and pranayamas.

Now, I am liberated from those unnecessary thoughts. Life has become incredibly beautiful, reminiscent of my childhood days. I have discovered that true happiness lies within me, rather than being dependent on external factors. Happiness is a gift bestowed upon us by nature.

I am genuinely happy now. I find myself smiling more often, and I wish to share this joy with those around me.

Perhaps you too are seeking answers to life's questions. I genuinely hope that you find the answers you are looking for soon.

Remember, stay happy and keep smiling!

Secrets of Life

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2012 Shrikrishna Potdar


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